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Англо-русский словарь - toast


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Перевод с английского языка toast на русский

 1. noun
 1) ломтик хлеба, подрумяненный на огне; гренок; тост
 2) obs. подрумяненный хлеб в вине as warm as a toast - очень теплый, согревшийся to have smb. on toast sl. - иметь власть над кем-л.
 2. v.
 1) подрумянивать(ся) на огне; поджаривать
 2) сушиться, греться (у огня); to toast ones feet/toes - греть ноги II
 1. noun
 1) тост; предложение тоста; to drink a toast to smb. - пить за чье-л. здоровье; to give/propose a toast to smb. - провозгласить тост в честь кого-л.
 2) лицо, учреждение, событие, в честь или память которого предлагается тост
 2. v. пить или провозглашать тост за (чье-л.) здоровье; to toast smb. - пить за кого-л.
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См. в других словарях

  1. ломтик хлеба, поджаренный на огне; гренок: тост buttered toast —- гренок в масле dry toast —- подсушенный хлеб, сухарик on toast —- поданный на гренке anchovies on toast —- анчоусы с гренком toast and ale —- гренки с пивом to make toast —- делать гренки Id: as warm as a toast —- очень теплый Id: to have smb. on toast —- иметь кого-л. в своей власти, держать кого-л. в своих руках; обманывать (надувать) кого-л. 2. подрумянивать на огне to toast bread —- поджаривать на огне хлеб 3. подрумяниваться; зажариваться 4. согревать; сушить to toast one's feet at a fire —- греть ноги у огня 5. согреваться; сушиться to toast on the beach —- загорать на пляже 6. тост; предложение тоста to propose (to give) a toast to smb., to give smb. a toast —- провозгласить тост в честь кого-л. to propose the toast of the president —- провозгласить тост за здоровье президента to drink a toast to the bride and bridegroom —- выпить за здоровье жениха и невесты to respond to a toast —- провозгласить (предложить) ответный тост 7. лицо или событие, в честь или память которых провозглашается тост you will be my toast —- пью за ваше здоровье 8. уст. красавица, в честь которой провозглашается тост 9. всеобщий любимец; популярный, знаменитый человек she was the toast of the town —- она была любимицей всего города 10. провозглашать тост to toast to prosperity —-...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  n. & v. --n. 1 bread in slices browned on both sides by radiant heat. 2 a a person (orig. esp. a woman) or thing in whose honour a company is requested to drink. b a call to drink or an instance of drinking in this way. --v. 1 tr. cook or brown (bread, a teacake, cheese, etc.) by radiant heat. 2 intr. (of bread etc.) become brown in this way. 3 tr. warm (one's feet, oneself, etc.) at a fire etc. 4 tr. drink to the health or in honour of (a person or thing). Phrases and idioms have a person on toast colloq. be in a position to deal with a person as one wishes. toasting-fork a long-handled fork for making toast before a fire. toast rack a rack for holding slices of toast at table. Etymology: ME (orig. as verb) f. OF toster roast, ult. f. L torrere tost- parch: sense 2 of the noun reflects the notion that a woman's name flavours the drink as spiced toast would ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. verb  Etymology: Middle English tosten, from Anglo-French toster, from Late Latin tostare to roast, from Latin tostus, past participle of torrere to dry, parch — more at thirst  Date: 14th century  transitive verb  1. to warm thoroughly  2. to make (as bread) crisp, hot, and brown by heat  intransitive verb to become ~ed; especially to warm thoroughly  II. noun  Date: 15th century  1.  a. sliced bread browned on both sides by heat  b. food prepared with ~ed bread  2. from the use of pieces of spiced ~ to flavor drinks  a.  (1) a person whose health is drunk  (2) something in honor of which persons usually drink  b. one that is highly admired she's the ~ of society  3. ~ (III) an act of proposing or of drinking in honor of a ~  4. a rhyming narrative poem existing in oral tradition among black Americans  5. slang one that is finished or done for soon their relationship was ~ — Rick Reilly  III. transitive verb  Date: 1640 to propose or drink to as a ~ ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (toasts, toasting, toasted) 1. Toast is bread which has been cut into slices and made brown and crisp by cooking at a high temperature. ...a piece of toast. N-UNCOUNT 2. When you toast something such as bread, you cook it at a high temperature so that it becomes brown and crisp. Toast the bread lightly on both sides. ...a toasted sandwich. VERB: V n, V-ed 3. When you drink a toast to someone or something, you drink some wine or another alcoholic drink as a symbolic gesture, in order to show your appreciation of them or to wish them success. Eleanor and I drank a toast to Miss Jacobs... N-COUNT 4. When you toast someone or something, you drink a toast to them. Party officials and generals toasted his health... VERB: V n 5. If someone is the toast of a place, they are very popular and greatly admired there, because they have done something very successfully or well. She was the toast of Paris. N-SING: the N of n ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 n 1 bread that has been heated so that it is brown on both sides and no longer soft  (We had toast for breakfast.) 2 an occasion when you ask people to all drink something in order to thank someone, wish someone luck etc  (propose a toast (=ask people to drink a toast)) 3 warm as toast comfortably warm  (They sat near the fire, warm as toast.) 4 be the toast of Broadway/Hollywood etc to be very popular and praised by many people for something you have done in a particular field of work  (- see also French toast) ~2 v 1 to drink a glass of wine, etc to thank someone, wish someone luck etc  (We toasted our success with champagne.) 2 to make bread or other food brown by placing it close to heat  (toasted cheese sandwiches) 3 to sit yourself near a fire to make yourself warm ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  hosp. abbr. The Obesity Awareness And Solutions Trust physiol. abbr. The Obesity Awareness Solutions Trust softw. abbr. The Open Accounting Software Toast gen. comp. abbr. The Oversized Attribute Storage Technique network. abbr. Transfer Of Advanced System Tasks educ. abbr. Teaching Overseas And Serving Thailand ...
English abbreviation dictionary


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